jueves, 25 de octubre de 2018

Tuesday 23-10-2018

Resultado de imagen de volleyballToday we didn't have time to fall asleep: We had Physical Education. We played voleyball during all the hour. I enjoyed it a lot, although I am awful at playing volleyball. Then we had maths and we correct some exercises. We practiced and learnt more things about roots too. Then, we had the geography exam. I was very nervous, but it was easy and I did it without doubting. ðŸ˜ƒ We talked about the exam at the break and then, we had technology. We went to the computer room and worked with a software called LIBRECAD. It was a drawing program, very easy to use. We draw a figure and wrote its dimensions. Then we had english. The teacher gave us a redaction that we did describing people. Mine was really good, I think. We ended the day reading "El conde Lucanor" a popular old book. Do you know about it? It tells the stories that an adviser yarns to his Lord, a count. When the bell rang, we went back home.

Resultado de imagen de el conde lucanor

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Thursday, 25-10-2018

Today we had biology at 8:15h, but Amalia didn't come. I'm kind of missing the microscope practices. This is a photo of the one we...